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Showing posts from November, 2023

Javascript Conditional Return Statement (shorthand If-else Statement)

While writing shorthand if-else in javascript,getting syntax error. Here is my code: data &&… Read more Javascript Conditional Return Statement (shorthand If-else Statement)

Typeerror: Cannot Match Against 'undefined' Or 'null'

Code client.createPet(pet, (err, {name, breed, age}) => { if (err) { return t.error(err, &… Read more Typeerror: Cannot Match Against 'undefined' Or 'null'

Making A Pipe With Regex On Angular2

I've already asked the similar question here:… Read more Making A Pipe With Regex On Angular2

Javascript: Create A String Or Char From An Utf-8 Value

Same question as this, but with UTF-8 instead of ASCII In JavaScript, how can you get a string repr… Read more Javascript: Create A String Or Char From An Utf-8 Value

When Is The Cleanup Function Triggered When Using Useeffect Hook With Dependencies?

I'm using a useEffect to show a UI Loading... but only after 250ms. It works ... but I really d… Read more When Is The Cleanup Function Triggered When Using Useeffect Hook With Dependencies?

Get Only Url Value Of Filestack Json.stringify?

I'm using FileStack on my website, according to FileStack Docs I have this actually: Your brows… Read more Get Only Url Value Of Filestack Json.stringify?

Module Pattern- How To Split The Code For One Module Into Different Js Files?

For the module pattern, I'm doing something like: (function(namespace) { // tons of code … Read more Module Pattern- How To Split The Code For One Module Into Different Js Files?

Angularjs Apply Custom Filter Only When Checkbox Is Checked

this is my controller : app.controller('listdata', function($scope, $http) { $scope.users =… Read more Angularjs Apply Custom Filter Only When Checkbox Is Checked

Javascript Getelementbyid().value Doesn't Work

Is there anything wrong with the code? It's not working. HTML: Type-here: Scripts execute as … Read more Javascript Getelementbyid().value Doesn't Work

Understanding Return Function(x) From Outer Function(array)

I am learning JavaScript and got a bit confused with the following exercise. I did had to create a … Read more Understanding Return Function(x) From Outer Function(array)

Display Pdf Stream Returned From Controller Using Jquery In New Window

I have a controller action which reads a .pdf file from azure blobstorage and returns stream object… Read more Display Pdf Stream Returned From Controller Using Jquery In New Window

Use Object Type Output In Javascript Function

I created this function in my application: I want to change the function above into something like… Read more Use Object Type Output In Javascript Function

Find Indexes Of Elements In An Array Equal To Sum - Javascript

I am trying to find the indexes of element in an array equal to a specified sum. I only want 2 inde… Read more Find Indexes Of Elements In An Array Equal To Sum - Javascript

How Do I Match Everything Except Matched Value?

I have this regex: /(\[.*?\])/g Now I want to change that regex to matches everything except curre… Read more How Do I Match Everything Except Matched Value?

How To Ensure That The Hibernate Version Number Stays Immutable In A Javascript Client?

I have a Rest backend with Java and Hibernate and im using Optimistic Locking with the version prop… Read more How To Ensure That The Hibernate Version Number Stays Immutable In A Javascript Client?

Javascript Function - Change The Color Of Text

I have to make a function called tousVerts ('everythingGreen' in French) that will change t… Read more Javascript Function - Change The Color Of Text

Evaluate Expression Inside Custom Directive

I have attached a parameter object to my $scope controller, which contains a series of keys: values… Read more Evaluate Expression Inside Custom Directive

Renaming React Native Example App

So I am trying to work from this example App:… Read more Renaming React Native Example App

Difference Between Php Regex And Javascript Regex

Hi i want to use below php regex in spry java script framework but them doesn't work with spry … Read more Difference Between Php Regex And Javascript Regex

Why Use Apply Method

I read something about the global apply method but I don't understand why I should use the appl… Read more Why Use Apply Method

How To Combine External Javascript With Shopify Website

I've tested my website with Pingdom and suggested to combine external javascripts, but I don… Read more How To Combine External Javascript With Shopify Website

Aws Api Gateway Cors Issue - Js

Im experiencing abit of problem with CORs request and im not sure what im doing wrong. I use the fo… Read more Aws Api Gateway Cors Issue - Js

Jquery Update Data- Attribute/value

I have a DIV that looks like this...utilizing the 'data-gauge' attribute. Copy Then access … Read more Jquery Update Data- Attribute/value

Image Optimization Using Google Pagespeed Insights And Apache Mod_pagespeed

I'm looking to get as close to a 100/100 page speed score as possible. The only issue prevent… Read more Image Optimization Using Google Pagespeed Insights And Apache Mod_pagespeed

Single Div Refresh With Jquery Ajax And Php

Okay So I have a div on my page that has some code for display option groups in a select input. And… Read more Single Div Refresh With Jquery Ajax And Php

How To Render Jquery Objects To Html - Seeing [object Object]

I'm having an issue getting jquery objects to render as html. In the code below, the tickBox ge… Read more How To Render Jquery Objects To Html - Seeing [object Object]

Google App Function - Recalculate/refresh Values

I have tried to find a solution to this problem already for a while. This is the code function CHEC… Read more Google App Function - Recalculate/refresh Values

How To Stop Timer.setinterval With A Tap Event Or Leaving Page In Nativescript

I have an counter that loads when starts when a page is loaded and stops when the time == 0 fires a… Read more How To Stop Timer.setinterval With A Tap Event Or Leaving Page In Nativescript

Maxlength Attribute Doesn't Display When Html Is Rendered?

I have a textbox whose textmode is set to multiline. Doing this renders the textbox as a textarea.… Read more Maxlength Attribute Doesn't Display When Html Is Rendered?

How To Lock Slider And Prevent Updating Of Values With Mouse Into Dat.gui Menu

I try to implement a way to prevent the updating of values with mouse (actually when the three.js a… Read more How To Lock Slider And Prevent Updating Of Values With Mouse Into Dat.gui Menu

Div Is Not Calculating Height Automatically

I have a div which contains 2 elements. First element is a span and second element is an input, li… Read more Div Is Not Calculating Height Automatically

Insert Value Of Object Into Span Tag

I have an object: message: { text: 'Here is some text' } I want to insert it into a sp… Read more Insert Value Of Object Into Span Tag

Trying To Match Url Pathname With Regex

I'm trying to match this: /Wedding to /Wedding/Areas /Wedding being the word to match. I think… Read more Trying To Match Url Pathname With Regex

How Can I Tell Whether A Javascript File Has Already Been Included In An Page?

I have an ASP.NET user control (.ascx file). In this user control I want to use a .js file. So I in… Read more How Can I Tell Whether A Javascript File Has Already Been Included In An Page?

Disable Background On Desktop Excel Using Office Js Displaydialogasync Function

We are using add-in manifest file to run application on taskpane on Desktop office 365. We have use… Read more Disable Background On Desktop Excel Using Office Js Displaydialogasync Function

Manipulating Objects With Js

I want change the attribut off a SVG object. instanceRoot property. The page is last updated on Ju… Read more Manipulating Objects With Js

Jquery Plugins, Calling Functions From Other Methods

Like so many other similar questions on here, I am writing my first jQuery plugin. It's intende… Read more Jquery Plugins, Calling Functions From Other Methods

Canvas.getcontext("2d"); Not Working

I am getting the following Error Error: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'innerHTML… Read more Canvas.getcontext("2d"); Not Working

How To Add Custom Value In Timeformat D3?

I have a data set with dates specified as date Q3 1954 Q4 1954 Q1 1955 Q2 1955 Q3 1955 Q4 1955 Q3 1… Read more How To Add Custom Value In Timeformat D3?

Jquery.hover On Sharepoint Web Part Not Working

I am working on a navigation bar that is driven off of a SharePoint List. Everything is working as … Read more Jquery.hover On Sharepoint Web Part Not Working

Uncaught Typeerror: Is Not A Function

I am trying to check if the input name is already in a Google Sheet. However, I am getting this err… Read more Uncaught Typeerror: Is Not A Function

Convert Iso/windows Charsets To Utf-8 In Javascript

I'm developing a firefox plugin and i fetch web pages to do some analysis for the user. The pro… Read more Convert Iso/windows Charsets To Utf-8 In Javascript

Quill Editor Scrolls Up Slightly When Pasting Large Content In A Vue App

Here is my editor.vue I am trying to replicate the auto-grow example on their playground I tried to… Read more Quill Editor Scrolls Up Slightly When Pasting Large Content In A Vue App

Asyncawait Is Not Waiting For The Fetch Response

I am having a problem in executing API calls using aysnc and await. I am using fetch method to call… Read more Asyncawait Is Not Waiting For The Fetch Response

Js: How To Create An Array Containing Permutations Of A Sequence 0 To N In Which Adjacent Numbers Must Have A Difference Greater Than 1?

Just to elaborate on the question asked. Given that you have a sequence from 0 to n (0,1,2, ... n-1… Read more Js: How To Create An Array Containing Permutations Of A Sequence 0 To N In Which Adjacent Numbers Must Have A Difference Greater Than 1?

Django: Passing Json From View To Template

In, I have time series data stored in a dictionary as follows: time_series = {'timesta… Read more Django: Passing Json From View To Template

Javascript - Variable Incremented In For Loop Issue

I was trying to make a for loop that increments through the numbers 1 - 4 and print them, but when … Read more Javascript - Variable Incremented In For Loop Issue

Is There A Configuration In Cucumberjs To Take Screenshot On Error?

using CucumberJS Is there an option or configuration to capture screenshot on error after the execu… Read more Is There A Configuration In Cucumberjs To Take Screenshot On Error?

Angular Js Resolve In A Resolve

What I mean by resolve in a resolve is that I want to be able to resolve the user first, and then r… Read more Angular Js Resolve In A Resolve

Access Npapi From Pages Dom

I'm attempting to override the default functionality for webkitNotifications.createNotification… Read more Access Npapi From Pages Dom

How Do I Ensure My Script File Isn't Cached When Debugging A Vs Mvc Website?

I came across a problem today where the only way for the web program I am developing showed the mos… Read more How Do I Ensure My Script File Isn't Cached When Debugging A Vs Mvc Website?

Get Attributes Of Existing Svg Elements And Bind As Data With D3.js

I have an existing svg element such as: Solution 1: Does this work for you? d3. selec… Read more Get Attributes Of Existing Svg Elements And Bind As Data With D3.js

Drawing Circular Path With Svg And Controlling Its Start / End

Is it possible to draw a circular path like this via svg paths in a way where it is possible to ma… Read more Drawing Circular Path With Svg And Controlling Its Start / End

Reactjs: After Action Redux Not Re-render

I have a question, regarding updating a status in redux, I have this code that lists me a few eleme… Read more Reactjs: After Action Redux Not Re-render

D3 Key Function Param Undefined

I would bind data with elements First I select my elements let trainSelect = svg.selectAll('.t… Read more D3 Key Function Param Undefined

Selecting Group Level Row On Selecting All Event On Ui-grid

I am trying to react on event when user clicks on select all event on header of ui-grid. All rows d… Read more Selecting Group Level Row On Selecting All Event On Ui-grid

Javascript - Cannot Add 2 Numbers Correctly

I am simulating a calculator using Javascript. Where a user can input 2 numbers in a given text bo… Read more Javascript - Cannot Add 2 Numbers Correctly

Fetching In Javascript With Absolute Url And Relative Url

I have a script that I run on my local server and that fetches a php file (on the local server too)… Read more Fetching In Javascript With Absolute Url And Relative Url

How To Replace Specific Tags That Contains Selected Labels

I wish to replace some specific spans with buttons, and the spans that I wish to replace has the sa… Read more How To Replace Specific Tags That Contains Selected Labels

Creating Objects By Splitting An Object Whose Attributes Are Arrays

I have an array of objects whose attributes are arrays (of variable length) and I want to replace t… Read more Creating Objects By Splitting An Object Whose Attributes Are Arrays

Mocking Moment() And Moment().format Using Jest

I'm unable to mock moment() or moment().format functions. I have states where, currentDateMomen… Read more Mocking Moment() And Moment().format Using Jest

Close Windows That Were Not Opened By Script Using Javascript

I want my web application to run in a window which has no menubar, addressbar etc. I have a Default… Read more Close Windows That Were Not Opened By Script Using Javascript

Javascript/jquery - Replace Text In Input Text

Let's say we have an input field: . I would like to dynamically replace the current selection o… Read more Javascript/jquery - Replace Text In Input Text