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How To Stop Timer.setinterval With A Tap Event Or Leaving Page In Nativescript

I have an counter that loads when starts when a page is loaded and stops when the time == 0 fires a dialog and navigates to another page. But i also want to stop it when the use ta

Solution 1:

var timeKeep = vm.time;
var count = 0;

var countId = timer.setInterval(() => {
    count += 1;
    if (count === timeKeep) {
            message: "Time Up!",
            okButtonText: "OK"
}, 1000);  

exports.onButtonTap = function() {
  /** Do whatever else you need to **/

exports.onNavigatingFrom = function() {

In your Declarative UI XML for the JS file:

<PagenavigatingFrom="onNavigatingFrom"><Buttontap="onButtonTap"text="Click Me"/></Page>

I would also recommend in your timer.clearInterval(countId) function you verify that countId is still valid; and invalidate it after you clear the interval; that way you don't have any weird corner cases.

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