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Display Pdf Stream Returned From Controller Using Jquery In New Window

I have a controller action which reads a .pdf file from azure blobstorage and returns stream object to the $.ajax() method. Controller returns var stream = blobStorage.OpenRead(fil

Solution 1:

I couldnt find a exact answer to this question. I found a bunch of different questions. I finally was able to piece together by using fetch. You need to accept type 'arraybuffer', then you turn into a blob with resopnse.blob(). Then you can open the blob in a new window.

fetch('/post/url', {
                        headers: {
                        //youneedtousejsonherebody:JSON.stringify({ items: [{ ItemId:3, Quantity:40 }], fileId:2 });
                    }).then(response=>response.blob()).then(data=> {
                  , "height=500,width=750);


Solution 2:

Why don't you just use standard HTML? There's no need for Javascript here (as you created a standard <a> tag for initial trigger of action).

Something like:

<formaction="/PDFfile"method="post"target="_blank"><inputtype="submit"value="Show me the file in a new tab/window!"/></form>


  • be sure to set an header Content-Type: application/pdf in your Azure script, so that the browser will know it's a PDF
  • as @JamesBlond stated you may not see it if you don't have a browser's plugin to read PDF. But you'll have a nice download box, and the new tab will be closed automatically

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