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Showing posts from October, 2023

Add Text With Geometry In Threejs

I want to attach text to the bottom part of the rings (where the cuts are) as you can see in the im… Read more Add Text With Geometry In Threejs

How To Update The State Of Child Component From Parent?

I am just getting started with React and not able to figure this out. Select component is Sol… Read more How To Update The State Of Child Component From Parent?

In Javascript How Can I Retrieve Class From It's String Name?

I have xml file like this I want to be able to construct JavaScript object from it. I have to ret… Read more In Javascript How Can I Retrieve Class From It's String Name?

Use Javascript Variable In Php Code

I have been working with a form submission in joomla and have a few trouble using javascript variab… Read more Use Javascript Variable In Php Code

How To Implement Javascript Automatic Semicolon Insertion In Javacc?

I am finishing my ECMAScript 5.1/JavaScript grammar for JavaCC. I've done all the tokens and pr… Read more How To Implement Javascript Automatic Semicolon Insertion In Javacc?

Monitoring Websockets Latency

We're building a latency-sensitive web application that uses websockets (or a Flash fallback) f… Read more Monitoring Websockets Latency

Chrome App, Getting Logged In User's Email Address

I have searched tutorials like, but I cannot see how… Read more Chrome App, Getting Logged In User's Email Address

Limit X-axis In Apexcharts.js

I want to limit the x-axis in the bar graph I'm using, I have multiple values but I want to sho… Read more Limit X-axis In Apexcharts.js

Delete Array Element From Multidimensional Infinity Array

There is a specific element I want to delete. For example, I want to delete the element with id = 7… Read more Delete Array Element From Multidimensional Infinity Array

How Pass Parameters To Downstream Function With Done() Or Next()

I am new to next(), done() etc. and am struggling with propagating parameters between serial execut… Read more How Pass Parameters To Downstream Function With Done() Or Next()

Ramda Recommendation For Removing Duplicates From A Slightly Nested Array

We're trying to utilise Ramda to avoid some brute-force programming. We have an array of object… Read more Ramda Recommendation For Removing Duplicates From A Slightly Nested Array

Adding A Highchart To A Leaflet Popup

I'm currently working on a project where the map I create displays all communities the akdataga… Read more Adding A Highchart To A Leaflet Popup

Sort An Array Of Objects Based On A Numeric Key Given As String

I have an an array with key-value pair, array columns are id and name. I want to sort this array by… Read more Sort An Array Of Objects Based On A Numeric Key Given As String

External Api Get() Request Using Jquery

I am using the IMDb API v2.0 located here and I decided to test it. I can't. I think it's b… Read more External Api Get() Request Using Jquery

Jqgrid Always Highlighting First Row When Using Addrowdata

Been trying to get the rowID to no avail and I've just suddenly realised there's a fault in… Read more Jqgrid Always Highlighting First Row When Using Addrowdata

No Line Break With Jquery .append()

I'm parsing a XML using jQuery with the following code: function appendNav(xml) { $(xml).fi… Read more No Line Break With Jquery .append()

Jquery Plugin Return This.each And Add Function Property To Each Object?

Is it possible to create a jQuery plugin that returns this.each for multiple matches allowing me to… Read more Jquery Plugin Return This.each And Add Function Property To Each Object?

Problem Printing Value Retrieved From Mysql Query

I am trying to print a value retrieved from a MySQL query with javascript. Here is the code func… Read more Problem Printing Value Retrieved From Mysql Query

Declarative Dojox.grid.datagrid's Header Has Onclick Event?

Is it possible to have onclick in dojox.grid.datagrid's header. I tried calling a function in … Read more Declarative Dojox.grid.datagrid's Header Has Onclick Event?

Uncaught Syntaxerror In Js And Possibly Wordpress

I'm not too sure why my code is causing this. I have this jquery script in the header: Read more Uncaught Syntaxerror In Js And Possibly Wordpress

Starting Phantomjs Server From Php And Waiting For It's Response

I wanted to run a phantomjs server from my php script, then do a curl request to it and read it'… Read more Starting Phantomjs Server From Php And Waiting For It's Response

Jquery Calculations As Per Selected Dropdown Value Loop

Iam trying to do a calculation. When a user selects a dropdown currency. The system calculates and … Read more Jquery Calculations As Per Selected Dropdown Value Loop

Using Javascript To Dynamically Create Links That Trigger Popup Windows

I've searched high and low, and have not been able to find a solution for what I am trying to d… Read more Using Javascript To Dynamically Create Links That Trigger Popup Windows

Does Passing An Object Via Props To Child React Component, Clone The Original Object Or Pass By Reference?

If am to pass an object to a child component via the components props, does this object get cloned … Read more Does Passing An Object Via Props To Child React Component, Clone The Original Object Or Pass By Reference?

Add An 'async' Attribute To A Js Include Tag In Web Forms

I saw how it can be done in MVC, but for a specific project I'm using Web-Forms. I have <%:… Read more Add An 'async' Attribute To A Js Include Tag In Web Forms

Javascript Reflection

Is there a way to get all methods (private, privileged, or public) of a javascript object from with… Read more Javascript Reflection

Is There An Alternative To Slice In Javascript?

I am working on a calculator project using an array. I wanted to allow the user to write multiple f… Read more Is There An Alternative To Slice In Javascript?"sms:...") Works For Android But Not For Ios

I have this function, which pre-fills sms text message on click. This works on Android, but on any … Read more"sms:...") Works For Android But Not For Ios

Best Way To Check A Javascript Object Has All The Keys Of Another Javascript Object

I have two JS objects, I want to check if the first Object has all the second Object's keys and… Read more Best Way To Check A Javascript Object Has All The Keys Of Another Javascript Object

Netsuite Suitescript Api - Searching Transaction Records Returns Duplicates

I am attempting a basic search query of the 'transaction' records (I have also attempted th… Read more Netsuite Suitescript Api - Searching Transaction Records Returns Duplicates

Ondelete Not Being Called When Deleting A Node In Cloud Functions For Firebase

I am trying to build triggers for a firebase app around following and followers. Below is a snippe… Read more Ondelete Not Being Called When Deleting A Node In Cloud Functions For Firebase

Enabling Button When All The Fields Are Filled Up

I am using knockout.js for data binding.Actually there is a form which some fields accepting name,n… Read more Enabling Button When All The Fields Are Filled Up

React-select Drop Down Choices Not Storing Correctly

I'm using a react-select drop down to allow users to choose multiple options between A, B and C… Read more React-select Drop Down Choices Not Storing Correctly

How Do I Style The Scrollbar Of A Textarea

I've got a textarea in a contact form which is styled with css, it looks great until i write mo… Read more How Do I Style The Scrollbar Of A Textarea

Firebase Update() Not A Function With A Query

I'm trying to update a property in a record in Firebase Database, with AngularJS. I can set up … Read more Firebase Update() Not A Function With A Query

Compatibility Of Window.crypto.getrandomvalues()

I need to generate cryptographically secure pseudorandom numbers, in Javascript. I know about the … Read more Compatibility Of Window.crypto.getrandomvalues()

How To Show/hide Divs With Multiple Select Options

I've been sorting a HTML5 form with jQuery to show/hide divs based on the selected value in the… Read more How To Show/hide Divs With Multiple Select Options

How To Get Iterator Index/key Using Protractor + Angular?

Is there a way to access the iterator index/key when looking for elements by repeater? protractor.B… Read more How To Get Iterator Index/key Using Protractor + Angular?

Javascript Number-string Div Onclick Strange Conversion

What I basically do is that I assign the Facebook-ID from a person to a onclick-Event in a DIV. The… Read more Javascript Number-string Div Onclick Strange Conversion

Upload File With One Button

How can I make a button in the html you need to send files that allow you to select the file and th… Read more Upload File With One Button

Javascript Variable Declarations At The Head Of A Function

I've been told that javascript variables should all come before they are used in a function, su… Read more Javascript Variable Declarations At The Head Of A Function

Preventing Food From Generating Inside My Snake

Can someone tell me how I can make it so the food doesn't generate inside my snake? I've tr… Read more Preventing Food From Generating Inside My Snake

Add Padding To Google Maps Bounds.contains()

I have a sidebar which shows the names of the markers in the current map view of a google map. The … Read more Add Padding To Google Maps Bounds.contains()

How Can I Find Whether There Are Any Elements At A Certain Position?

I have a collection of divs with the same class at various positions on a larger div. Is there a wa… Read more How Can I Find Whether There Are Any Elements At A Certain Position?

How To Implement Drag And Drop Behaviour In React

I'm trying to implement drag and drop behaviour using React and react-beautiful-dnd library. I … Read more How To Implement Drag And Drop Behaviour In React

Determine The Width Of A Dynamic Css3 Multicolumn Div Width Fixed Column-width

I have a DIV container filled with a dynamic text. The length of the text can be different. The DIV… Read more Determine The Width Of A Dynamic Css3 Multicolumn Div Width Fixed Column-width

Express.js Handle Unmached Routes

Fellows I develop a Rest API and I want when a route does not exist to send a custom message instea… Read more Express.js Handle Unmached Routes

Esm Does Not Resolve Module-alias

So I'm using the package esm and module-alias, but it seems like esm does not register module-a… Read more Esm Does Not Resolve Module-alias

Async / Await Looping Through Array Of To Get S3 Signed Url's

I've written the following code. The input (result) is an array of file names that exist on an… Read more Async / Await Looping Through Array Of To Get S3 Signed Url's

Add/subtract Fixed Value To Elements Left Property Set In Vh With Jquery

I have the following code: HTML: CSS: #my-div{ display: none; position: absolute; left: 150vh; bo… Read more Add/subtract Fixed Value To Elements Left Property Set In Vh With Jquery

Show Multi Select Id By Js

I need show selection id by js, by this code only show 1 and first select id my code is this html a… Read more Show Multi Select Id By Js

Update 2 Exact Same Images Source Using Javascript

I using PHP captcha called Cryptographer site I need to use 2 captcha on same page but … Read more Update 2 Exact Same Images Source Using Javascript

Using Resolved Promise Data Synchronously

I'm learning about promises and I absolutely want to make sure I am understanding their use bef… Read more Using Resolved Promise Data Synchronously

How To Call A Listener Of View From Controller In Extjs

i have a bar chart in my view where i have a listener which is retrieving the bar column items ,now… Read more How To Call A Listener Of View From Controller In Extjs

Html - Changing Color In Text Area From An Option Inside Of A Select Box Generated From Mysql

I have been trying to search for things similar to what I want but can't seem to get the exact … Read more Html - Changing Color In Text Area From An Option Inside Of A Select Box Generated From Mysql

Angular: Cdkvirtualfor Not Rendering New Items

I'm building a vertically scrolling calendar. I'm getting the initial days to load, but whe… Read more Angular: Cdkvirtualfor Not Rendering New Items

Namespace Attributes Not Present In .outerhtml

In HTML5/JavaScript, if I create a namespaced dom node programmatically, like so: svgElt = document… Read more Namespace Attributes Not Present In .outerhtml

Table Filter Not Working With Backspaces

I'm working on reproducing a live filter box with handsontable based on the built in search fun… Read more Table Filter Not Working With Backspaces

Raphaël Object: Simulate Click

It it possible to simulate an click on an Raphaël object? I tried already; // Error… Read more Raphaël Object: Simulate Click

No \p{l} For Javascript Regex ? Use Unicode In Js Regex

I nedd to add a-zA-ZáàâäãåçéèêëíìîïñóòôöõúùûüýÿæœÁÀÂÄÃÅÇÉÈÊËÍÌÎÏÑÓÒÔÖÕÚÙÛÜÝŸÆŒ x time but I find th… Read more No \p{l} For Javascript Regex ? Use Unicode In Js Regex

Javascript Regex: Ignore Subgroup When Matching

I'm trying to match a string with an optional part in the middle. Example strings are: 20160131… Read more Javascript Regex: Ignore Subgroup When Matching

Firebase Function Onwrite Not Being Called

I'm trying to implement a trigger using Firebase Functions, that duplicates some data in the da… Read more Firebase Function Onwrite Not Being Called

Cloning Element Finders

While researching available ElementFinder and ElementArrayFinder methods, I've noticed that the… Read more Cloning Element Finders

How To Bind Checkboxes With Chips In Vue Js(two Way Binding)

Im a newbie in Vue Js. The problem is on selecting an dropdown from form,options are coming in form… Read more How To Bind Checkboxes With Chips In Vue Js(two Way Binding)

Any Reason To Favor Mathml Syntax Over Tex In Mathjax?

MathJax, opensource javascript library to render maths, support multiple syntaxes, including MathML… Read more Any Reason To Favor Mathml Syntax Over Tex In Mathjax?

How To Compose Sequence Of Pipes For Gulp?

I have a common pattern in my gulpfile.js: var rev = require('gulp-rev'); var buffe… Read more How To Compose Sequence Of Pipes For Gulp?