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Does Passing An Object Via Props To Child React Component, Clone The Original Object Or Pass By Reference?

If am to pass an object to a child component via the components props, does this object get cloned or does it simply pass a reference to the original object? For example in my App.

Solution 1:

In general, it depends on the data-type of said prop. Primitives, such as integers or Strings are passed down by their value, while Object data-types such as arrays are passed down by their reference.

So yes, Objects specifically are passed down by reference.


In this demo we have two components, one parent and one child. The child takes two props, one that is the integer 1 and the other is an object with a: "foo".

After a short while, from the parent we change the integers value from 1 to 2 and the object from a: "foo" to a: "bar". After that, we log the values of these props from the child component.Note: This is a stateless component, so we aren't using any kind of state. We are changing the values directly, so React won't ever "know" of this change! (ssh, don't tell React!)

The output is still 1 for the integer (didn't change - passed by value), but a: "bar" for the object (changed! - passed by reference).

constParent = () => { 
  let myInt = 1;
  let myObj = {a: "foo"};
    myInt = 2;
    myObj.a = "bar";
  }, 500);
  return<ChildmyInt={myInt}myObj={myObj} />;

constChild = ({myInt, myObj}) => {
  }, 1000);
  return (
ReactDOM.render(<Parent />, document.getElementById("app"));

Solution 2:

Props reference to objects, in fact you can pass methods with context. Mutating props is a very bad pratice discouraged by almost every linter, when you want to mutate data coming from props is better to deep clone prop and work on cloned data.

Solution 3:

Only a reference to the object is passed. Indeed, the transformation is pretty straightforward between jsx/tsx and plain old js/ts. This babel reference is a good example of this.

This means that any sort of object can potentially be sent - numbers, booleans, arrays, functions, plain old objects, DOM elements etc. It also means that if the object is mutable, it could be modified. But it should not.

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