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Return Html From Jquery Get Request

I'm attempting to return an HTML form from a GET request triggered by jQuery but I'm not sure how to go about doing this. A customer's server will call to mine which will then retu

Solution 1:

As I said in my comment, you could use AJAX or in your case GET ( and it allows you to return html.


$.get("yourPHP.php", {var: somethingdynamicpassedviajavascript},
     //get the result
}, "html");

The end of this function has the return type (in this case "html"). This example would place the HTML into the div #yourdiv

Solution 2:

If you'll eventually use JSONP, you'll have to make the form markup a string, which should be the value of a property of the json-encoded object the server is responding with.

So, your server will have to echo something like this:

<?php$o = newstdClass();
$o->formHTML = '<form>...</form>';
echo json_encode($o);

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