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Highcharter - Add Multiple Text Annotations

I have a stacked column plot where I need a text annotation below each column. I only found a way to add one annotation. Adding a second annotation yields the error All arguments m

Solution 1:

That is a known issue and it's solve with the next functions:

  • hc_add_annotation
  • hc_add_annotations

Example of use:

hc %>%
  hc_add_annotation(xValue = 0, yValue = -2, title = list(text = '-6 pp')) %>% 
  hc_add_annotation(xValue = 1, yValue = -4.5, title = list(text = '-5 pp'))

hc %>% 
      list(xValue = 0, yValue = -2, title = list(text = '-6 pp')),
      list(xValue = 1, yValue = -4.5, title = list(text = '-5 pp'))

Or even better:

df <- data_frame(
  xValue = c(0, 1),
  yValue = c(-2, -4.5),
  title = c("-6pp", "-5pp")

df <- df %>% 
  mutate(title = map(title, function(x) list(text = x)))

df#> # A tibble: 2 x 3#>   xValue yValue      title#>    <dbl>  <dbl>     <list>#> 1      0   -2.0 <list [1]>#> 2      1   -4.5 <list [1]>

hc %>% 


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