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Putting Array Into An Html Table And Ascending Or Descending Them

I'm trying to get a JavaScript array into an HTML table when the page loads, and then when an arrow is clicked (either up or down) it arranges them into ascending or descending ord

Solution 1:

Sorting Data

You can use the array Sort function to ascending and descending your data(array of objects), something like,

/** Sorting the data in asscending  by comparing month **/functioninOrderAsc(a, b){
  return a.Month == b.Month ? 0 : +(a.Month > b.Month) || -1;

/** Sorting the data in descending by comparing month **/functioninOrderDesc(a, b){
  return a.Month == b.Month ? 0 : +(a.Month < b.Month) || -1;

    return objs.sort(inOrderAsc);

    return objs.sort(inOrderDesc);

Attach the event

Attach the key down event, on which the sort operation will be performed,

/**Attach event, on which the sort action will be performed **/
document.onkeydown = initEvent;
function initEvent(e) {
    e = e || window.event;
    if (e.keyCode == '38') {
        var result = accending(lakeData);
        displayData( result);
    } elseif (e.keyCode == '40') {
        var result = descending(lakeData);

Display data

Now finally display the data after sorting,

/** Display the data in table **/functiondisplayData(objs){
    var row, cell, cell2;
    var tbody = document.querySelector('#lake tbody');
    var cloneTbody = tbody.cloneNode(false);
    tbody.parentNode.replaceChild(cloneTbody, tbody);

    for(var i=0; i<objs.length; i++){
        row = cloneTbody.insertRow();
        cell = row.insertCell();
        cell.innerHTML = objs[i].Month;

        cell2 = row.insertCell();
        cell2.innerHTML = objs[i].LakeErieLevels;

The full demo is on JsFiddle.

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