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Parse .then Method And Chaining | Syntax Eludes Me

Dear stackoverflow community, I am using application craft as a JS cloud IDE and integrating Parse's cloud database for storage. I'm writing a subscription service and want to chec

Solution 1:

Your syntax for handling then is incorrect, it should be:


    function(results) {    
        console.log("Within the Then!");

        console.log("Could be an error"+error);

the then() function takes one or two functions.

the first is a success handler, and the second is an error handler.


This snippet is untested but should be pretty close.

var query = newParse.Query(Parse.User);
query.equalTo(email, "");  
    function(resultsCount) {    
        //success handlerif(resultsCount > 0){
        //error handlerconsole.log("Error:"+error);

If you have more async work to do, your method should look similar to this, remember that when chaining promises the last then() should contain your error handling.

  doSomethingAsync(); //must return a promise for chaining to work!
  doSomethingAsync2(); //must return a promise for chaining to work!
  doSomethingAsync3(); //must return a promise for chaining to work!
  // an alternative way to handle errors//handles errors for all chained promises.

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