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Jquery Window.resizeto In Slow Motion

I want to resize a window in slow motion mode but the following code doesn't work and I have no idea what to do: var myWindow; function resize() { var windowsHeight = jQuery(wi

Solution 1:

In this example you can see the animation effect. Just customize it as you wish.

The trick is to use a custom animation with jquery.animate.

  var win ="", "Title", "toolbar=no, location=no, directories=no, status=no, menubar=no, scrollbars=yes, resizable=yes, width=780, height=200, top=0, left=0");
  win.document.body.innerHTML = "HTML";

  $({foo:0}).animate({foo:100}, {
    step: function(val) {
      win.resizeTo(val * 5, val * 5);

Note: You can see the effect within the snippet for a security reason. You can see the effect in the fiddle(jsbin) I created:

Note 2: I checked this code in Google Chrome and Mozila Firefox The latest versions.

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