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Reflow/layout Performance For Large Application

I am using GWT to build a HTML application where the performance is correct in general. Sometimes, it can load many objects in the DOM and the application becomes slow. I used Chro

Solution 1:

I finally solve my problem : getBoundingClientRect was triggering a whole layout event in the application, which was taking many times through heavy CSS rules.

In fact, layout time is not directly proportional to the number of elements in the DOM. You could draw hundred thousands of them with light style and layout will take only 2ms.

In my case, I had two CSS selectors and a background image which were matching hundred thousands of DOM elements, and that was consuming a huge amount of time during layout. By simply removing those CSS rules, I reduce the layout time from 900ms to 2ms.

Solution 2:

The most basic answer to your question is to use lazy evaluation, also called delayed evaluation. The principle is that you only evaluate a new position when something it depends upon has changed. It generally requires a fair amount of code to set up but is much cleaner to use once that's done. You'd make one assignment to something (such as a window size) and then all the new values propagate automatically, and only the values that need to propagate.

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