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Javascript Filter Func: Filter On Multiple Conditions (either Could Be True)

Might be something super simple that I am over looking. I have an array of objects that contains some info. Based on user action, I'd like to filter out some objects; let arr = [

Solution 1:

Every single num will pass either of your if conditions because there isn't a number in the universe which is equal to 1 and 3 at the same time**. You can just chain the && condition inside the filter to check for all of them:

let arr = [
 {'num': 1, 'name': 'joe'},
 {'num': 2, 'name': 'jane'},
 {'num': 3, 'name': 'john'},
 {'num': 3, 'name': 'johnny'},

let filtered = arr.filter(a => a.num && a.num !== 3 && a.num !== 1)


(**Unless it's 0, null, undefined or any of the falsy values of course. In which case they will fail the obj.num condition of both ifs)

Solution 2:

Let's understand the problem first.

so you had two conditions one checks for not equal to 1 and other checks for not equal to 3 so for example if num = 1 first one fails but second one still pass so eventually you're returning true in every case.

You need to check both the condition in single if statement.

let arr = [{'num': 1, 'name': 'joe'},{'num': 2, 'name': 'jane'},{'num': 3, 'name': 'john'},{'num': 3, 'name': 'johnny'},]

functionfilterArr(arr) {
  return arr.filter(obj => obj.num !== 1 && obj.num!=3)


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