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Vim Plugin To Generate Javascript Documentation Comments

Is there a plugin for vim, somewhat like Jsbeautify, which automatically generates JavaDoc like comments in the script files. For example it will take this function(a , b , c){ }

Solution 1:

Here's a little something to get you started - tweak as required!-)

" generate doc comment template
map <LocalLeader>/ :call GenerateDOCComment()<cr>

function! GenerateDOCComment()
  let l    = line('.')
  let i    = indent(l)
  let pre  = repeat(' ',i)
  let text = getline(l)
  let params   = matchstr(text,'([^)]*)')
  let paramPat = '\([$a-zA-Z_0-9]\+\)[, ]*\(.*\)'
  echomsg params
  let vars = []
  let m    = ' '
  let ml = matchlist(params,paramPat)
  while ml!=[]
    let [_,var;rest]= ml
    let vars += [pre.' * @param '.var]
    let ml = matchlist(rest,paramPat,0)
  let comment = [pre.'/**',pre.' * '] + vars + [pre.' */']
  call append(l-1,comment)
  call cursor(l+1,i+3)

Assuming the parameter list is on one line, it tries to match out the parameters, builds up a comment string, and appends that comment string to the line before the function header.

Solution 2:

with snipmate you can make a snippet or use a mix of actual js snippets

Solution 3:

I was thinking on a plugin mixed with macros, but how many arguments may a function take? Most of the time, it will be 4 at the max.

The solution with snippets can be a viable one.

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