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Extend Session Of Liferay When Performing Ajax Call

I created a portlet that uses AJAX every function. That is, the portlet is only rendered once and i didnt utilize processAction or the like. Is there a way to extend the user's ses

Solution 1:

I had same issue and solved it. The main idea is to override session.js into ext-plugin, and add some additional method:

extendExternal: function() {
  var instance = this;

  if (instance != undefined) {

also setCookie method should be updated:

setCookie: function(status) {
   var instance = this;

   var currentTime = newDate().getTime();

   var options = {
      path: "/"

   A.Cookie.set(instance._cookieKey, status || currentTime, options);

In order to use the same cookie path for each page.

And some global ajax event can be used for 'automatical' call of extendExternal method:

AUI().use('event', function(A){
 A.on('io:start', function(transactionid, arguments){
   if (Liferay.Session._cookieKey != undefined && Liferay.Session._cookieKey != null) {
     if (arguments != 'sessionExtend') {

in this case extend method have to be updated with:

// added in orderto differentiate session extend ajax calls and other ajax call, to     avoid infinit loop, {
    arguments: 'sessionExtend'

You can check solution here.

Solution 2:

Liferay.Session.extend(); is the answer, i didnt notice that the session is extended when testing the code

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