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Error Thrown With Microsoft.xmldom Xml Parser In Edge With Xml String Content

I'm getting the following error with the Microsoft.XMLDOM XML parser in Microsoft EDGE: Script(1,1) Sometimes it says start tag does not match end tag. And other times it gives an

Solution 1:

There was an error in my other code that was causing the error I was encountering but I also found out that when there's an error in Edge or IE they will log an error in the console.

Also, starting around IE 10 or 11 DOMParser is supported. The solution is to switch the if statement conditions to check for Domparser

if (window.DOMParser || document.implementation.createDocument)

and then put a try catch block around the parse method.

Although, it doesn't look like IE gives a line or column error information. I haven't been able to extensively test it.

The updated codepen can be tested:

functionvalidateXML(txt) {

    // Mozilla, Firefox, Opera, newer IE and Edge, etc.if (document.implementation.createDocument) {
        console.log("Before creating domparser");
        var parser = newDOMParser();
        try {
            var xmlDoc = parser.parseFromString(txt, "text/xml");
        } catch(error) {

        console.log("After DomParser instance. Errors: "+ xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("parsererror").length);
        if (xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("parsererror").length > 0) {
            return xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("parsererror")[0];
        else {
            return"No errors found";
    // code for older IEelseif (window.ActiveXObject) {
        var xmlDoc = newActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM");
        xmlDoc.async = "false";

        if (xmlDoc.parseError.errorCode != 0) {
            txt = "Error Code: " + xmlDoc.parseError.errorCode + "\\n";
            txt = txt + "Error Reason: " + xmlDoc.parseError.reason;
            txt = txt + "Error Line: " + xmlDoc.parseError.line;
            console.log("I work in Windows IE");
            return txt;
        else {
            return"No errors found";
    else {
        return"Your browser does not support XML validation";

var xml = '<s:RichText x="118" xmlns:s="f">test</f/></s:RichText>';
var result = validateXML(xml);
if (typeof result == "string") {
  document.body.innerHTML = "<pre>"+result+"</pre>";
else {
  document.body.innerHTML = "<pre>"+result.outerHTML+"</pre>";

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