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Context.application Is Undefined When Using Wordapi 1.3

With WordApi 1.3 it should be possible to use the new createDocument method to create new documents from within the web addIns. However, when using the example snippet below found

Solution 1:

Hello thanks for your question. All of this is still in preview and hence subject to change. Here is some guide for you.

  1. 1.There is no such thing as the WordApiDesktop requirement set, this was removed and will not longer exist in Office.js quite soon. The fact that is there is a bug, so thanks for reporting this.
  2. If you see the documentation page you shared, the application object and its createDocument method are currently (and subject to change) in the 1.3 requirement who is currently in preview. (use the preview CDN of office.js )

So please don't use the WordApiDesktop requirement, and also make sure you are using the BETA CDN for Office.js

its allways good to have the latest Office to test the previews, check out this page for help in case you are not in latest:

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