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What Javascript Cache Can You Recommend

i'm searching for a good java script in-memory cache lib to cache client side calculation results. My requirements: works in Internet Explorer, FireFox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, oth

Solution 1:

Give a look to:

It's very easy to implement a pattern of self-memorizing functions:

functionisPrime( num ) {
  if ( isPrime.cache.getItem(num) != null ) // check if the result is alreadyreturn isPrime.cache.getItem(num);      // cachedvar prime = num != 1; 
  for ( var i = 2; i < num; i++ ) {  // determine if the number is primeif ( num % i == 0 ) {
      prime = false;
  isPrime.cache.setItem(num, prime); // store the result on cachereturn prime;

isPrime.cache = newCache();

//...isPrime(5);  // true
isPrime.cache.getItem(5);  // true, the result has been cached

You are able to specify the expiration time (absolute or relative), the priority of an item, and a callback function that will be executed when the item is removed from the cache...

Solution 2:

Well, it's still beta and i guess since it is very old it wont be developed further, but maybe your can give it a look:

JSOC Framework

it was developed by Webframeworks LLC. I once uesed it in a project and it did a very good job so i can recommend it.

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