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Send Data To Hardware And Go To Another Webpage?

My goal is to use a photon and by click on a button some data is sent to the photon via the cloud. However, at the same time I would like to go to another page as well. The problem

Solution 1:

onclick should be onclick="myFunction1('setGame');myFunction2()" like

<inputid="Memory Button"type="button" value="Memory Game" onclick="myFunction1('setGame');myFunction2()"/>


<!DOCTYPE html><html><body><inputid="Memory Button"type="button"value="Memory Game"onclick="myFunction1('setGame');myFunction2()"/><scriptlanguage="javascript"type="text/javascript">functionmyFunction1(objButton)
    var deviceID = "1f0026001847353236343033";
    var accessToken = "edc90d3d0f4048681a946f75a7bbe221ad7e1110";
    var baseURL = "";

    requestURL= baseURL + deviceID + "/" + varName + "/?access_token=" + accessToken;
    $.post( requestURL, { params: varName , access_token: accessToken });

    window.location.href = '';


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