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How Does A Jquery Instance Appear As An Array When Called In Console.log?

When entered into a JavaScript console, a jQuery object appears as an array. However, it's still an instance of the jQuery object. var j = jQuery(); => [] console.log(j); =>

Solution 1:

I believe they have something like that:

// Adding items to an object like an Array:var myObject = {splice : Array.prototype.splice};, 1, 10, "foo");

// Getting items from an object like an Array:alert(, 0));



Solution 2:

The console makes it look like an array because it has array-like properties. It has length and n keys using integers.

Solution 3:

When you call jQuery() you aren't passing any arguments to the function so it is returning an empty object. WHen you pass a selector as argument it creates an object of the elements that match the selector

Solution 4:

It returns an empty array, because it did nothing - array of elements affected.

Proper way to inspect would be


if you would do


you will see that it returns array of elements.

Solution 5:

I think what you're trying to see are your object's properties. If that's the case, you're inadvertently converting the object into a string when you append it to another string. Use the , operator instead of + to show the object properties instead of the "stringified" version of the object:

console.log('test with string concat: ', j);

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