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Improve Performance Of This Jquery Script

This runs fast compared to other's.But i dont know how fast it would be at slow computers.. The code filters the results dymanically. The criteria are set in css class.. $(document

Solution 1:

One thing I notice is you're doing a lot of unnecessary calls to $():


Every time you do $(this), there are multiple underlying function calls and a couple of memory allocations involved. It's completely unnecssary. Just do:

var $this = $(this); the beginning, and then:


This (no pun) applies to any time you call $(), not just $(this), but you need to be sure you only cache the result for as long as it really will be unchanged (as that varies depending on the selector or element you're passing in). Without reading through with a fine-toothed comb, for instance, you can probably cache the result of $("#filters li.filtersGroup") in at least one place rather than making jQuery do the whole thing over again.

Solution 2:

Following in T.J. Crowder's Response

You can also clean up your references to $("#filters li.filterGroup") like this

var$filtersGroup = $("#filters li.filtersGroup");
$("a", $filtersGroup).removeClass("disabled");
$filtersGroup.each(function(index) {

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