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Run Js App Locally In Ie

I'm using GWT 2.1 and IE to test the default hello world GWT app. I compile the default Hello world GWT app and then go to HTML file and open it with IE. I get a red warning mes

Solution 1:

Have you tried enabling Active Content from local files in the advanced tab of the Internet Options?

Solution 2:

This worked for me:

SO - Activex content in local web page

The take away is:

<!-- saved from url=(0014)about:internet -->

Must be the first line in the file and the file must have

\r\n (CRLF)

line endings.

Solution 3:

you could download and set up xampp and put your files in the htdocs folder. This will give you a local server at your loopback address. This will prevent IE from doing all of its acrobatics concerning locally run js files, as it will think it is accessing a remote website.

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