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JQuery Is Included Twice In Rails Application On Heroku

My question is similar to some other questions here which still didn't provide an answer for my situation I am including jQuery gem in my app in Gemfile: gem 'jquery-rails' And in

Solution 1:

I removed this line

//= require_tree .

and creating a sub folder in javascripts and then moved all js files in javascript directory to that subfolder except application.js

and wrote this line

//= require_tree ./sub_folder_name

It's awsome and working.

One Important thing to Note:

This may cause to you as you are including a same file twice one manually by javascript_include_tag and other by application.js. First confirm that if this is the case you have to include it once.

Solution 2:

Take a look at this article on heroku regarding precompiling your assets. When you push to heroku do you see any error messages around the section that says:

-----> Preparing Rails asset pipeline
       Running: rake assets:precompile


Solution 3:

Development and Production and supposed to be different (/app/assets and not minified in development, public/assets and minified in production.

As for the double-include, if your production web served page has both, I would check your app for pages like application.html.erb to see if if it's defined there. If so, remove it.

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