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JS Class Remove Not Working Properly, Dev Tools Problem

my purpose is that to animate the DIV Box everytime when browser Tab is active (means i switch the tab to other & back to this tab), As i am adding addEventListener & its w

Solution 1:

This is a speed problem. When you add the class, the browser immediatly assumes no transition is needed, because the element already has the class. You can fix this by delaying your classList.add a little:

var element = document.getElementById("topHeading");

document.addEventListener("visibilitychange", () => {
  var isVisible = document.visibilityState === "visible";
  setTimeout(function() {
    element.classList[isVisible ? 'add' : 'remove']("r1");

Fixed Codepen

Solution 2:

Re-applying the class doesn't work. You can get it to work by removing the element from the dom and then adding it again or by introducing a delay. You can read more about restarting css animations at

document.addEventListener("visibilitychange", () => {
  var element = document.getElementById("topHeading");

  if(document.visibilityState === "visible" ) {
  } else {
    element.parentNode.replaceChild(element.cloneNode(true), element);

Or you can add the animation class to the html element and write less JS:

 document.addEventListener("visibilitychange", () => {
  var element = document.getElementById("topHeading");

  if(document.visibilityState === "visible" ) {
    element.parentNode.replaceChild(element.cloneNode(true), element);

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