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Extending Classes And Using Class Attributes In Parent Class

I have tried to solve React's annoying bind requirement as follows: class ExtendedComponent extends React.Component { custom_functions: []; constructor(props){ su

Solution 1:


custom_functions: ['refreshTableOnDateChange', 'load', 'refreshTableOnTabChange'];

is type annotation, and this.custom_functions is still undefined. Instead, it should be a property initializer:

custom_functions = ['refreshTableOnDateChange', 'load', 'refreshTableOnTabChange'];

Or considering its static nature, custom_functions can be a static property:

static custom_functions = ['refreshTableOnDateChange', 'load', 'refreshTableOnTabChange'];

In this case it is accessible in constructor as this.constructor.custom_functions.

There's nothing annoying in bind, this is how JS works.

For strict naming conventions, the methods can be bound automatically by traversing through method names, for example the ones which names match on* or *Handler:

const uniquePropNames = new Set([

for (const propName of uniquePropNames) {
  if (typeof this[propName] === 'function' && /^on[A-Z]|.Handler$/.test(propName)) {
     this[propName] = this[propName].bind(this);

A good alternative is @autobind decorator from core-decorators.

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