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How Can I Drag Jqgrid Edit Form Properly?

When I drag a edit form, the position of the form is not valid. Always it starts from position (0,0) to the window. Its position is not relative to mouse cursor position. How can I

Solution 1:

The problem which you describes seems be a bug in Guriddo jqGrid JS 4.8.x. I tried other demos and many from there have the same problem. So I would recommend you to post bug report to Guriddo forum at least if you purchased the licence for Guriddo jqGrid JS.

I develop free fork of jqGrid under the name free jqGrid (see the readme and the wiki). You can try it directly from CDN. If you uses grid inside of jQuery UI modal dialog then you should use the latest code posted after publishing free jqGrid 4.8. The problem was reported in the answer and I included new option onTop option in free jqGrid.

$.jgrid.jqModal = $.jgrid.jqModal || {};
$.extend(true, $.jgrid.jqModal, {toTop: true});

So you can use for example the URLs, and (the locales like or are optional in free jqGrid).

I will try later to modify the code of dialogs used by jqGrid so that the situation where onTop: true will be detected and the option will be set automatically if required. I don't want to make it default because of some reasons. I analyzed the code of jqGrid 4.7 and make many changes. One problem way that all dialogs like Edit form stay in memory in jqGrid. If one close the dialog it will be just hidden. The event handler used in the dialogs, like onClick handler references DOM element of grid and other objects. There are some other disadvantages. So I make so that on closing of dialog in free jqGrid the form will be completely distorted. The default settings toTop: false makes all elements of the grid inclusive all dialogs be created as children of gbox div constructed over the grid. So one can remove from the page all elements created by jqGrid just by removing gbox. The problem is only that the overlay should be probably moved on top of the page (be children of <body>) like the dialog itself if one have the grid inside of another modal dialog. I hope I will find the perfect solution later. Till the time you can just set toTop: true option either for edit form or globally like in the code above.

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