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How Do I Use Transclusion In Angularjs?

In the John Lindquist tutorial, transclusion is used to grab some content from the directive and put it in a desired place. But the docs talk about translude function and passing i

Solution 1:

When creating a basic directive, transclusion is easy:

module.directive( 'myTransDir', function () {
  return {
    transclude: true,
    scope: true,
    replace: true,
    template: '<div><h1>Hello!</h1><div ng-transclude></div></div>',

Because the template includes the ngTransclude directive, it will automatically transclude the contents for me. If I use it like this:

<div my-trans-dir>
  <p>Some Content</p>

The resultant HTML will be:

    <p>Some Content</p>

Solution 2:

@Josh already covered ngTransclude. This is the "normal use case" for transclusion.

You were also asking about these statements in the documentation:

controller - Controller constructor function...
The controller is injectable with the following locals:
$transclude - A transclude linking function pre-bound to the correct transclusion scope: function(cloneLinkingFn).


The compile function deals with transforming the template DOM...
The compile function takes the following arguments.
transclude - A transclude linking function: function(scope, cloneLinkingFn).

I consider these esoteric use cases of transclusion. I've personally only seen one mention of these on stackoverflow, and I'll refer you there:
What exactly do you do with the transclude function and the clone linking function?

Quote from @blesh: "these two methods of transclusion are there to give you the ability to control everything about you transclusion via programmatic access to the process."

Update: I found a nice blog post about transclusion.

Solution 3:

Johns "Building Zippy" tutorial on is the best description I have seen on transclusion. You are right with both statements, John just gives an example, but whats happening behind the scenes is the html in the markup is put through the compiler with the template. In his tutorial, John leaves content in the template on accident, and you can see how angular's compiler concatenates the markup html and the template html.

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