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Javascript Array Of Textblock Elements From Xaml File

A working xaml file (Silverlight) has a lot of TextBlock elements. I need those for data manipulati… Read more Javascript Array Of Textblock Elements From Xaml File

Best Way For Simple Game-loop In Javascript?

Is there a simple way to make a game loop in JavaScript? something like... onTimerTick() { // up… Read more Best Way For Simple Game-loop In Javascript?

I Need Jqgrid To Refresh The Entire Page, Not Just The Grid

I need jqgrid to refresh the entire page, not just the grid I have a jqgrid that displays the job d… Read more I Need Jqgrid To Refresh The Entire Page, Not Just The Grid

Prepend Output To Div With Javascript And A Couple Other Questions

I am working on form. Now the form it's self works great, no issues with it. But I am trying to… Read more Prepend Output To Div With Javascript And A Couple Other Questions

Promises With Fs And Bluebird

I'm currently learning how to use promises in nodejs so my first challenge was to list files in… Read more Promises With Fs And Bluebird

Dialog.showmodal Not Supported By Mozilla Firefox Any More

I have a huge asp website project and for its popups, used from showModalDialog. Few months ago moz… Read more Dialog.showmodal Not Supported By Mozilla Firefox Any More

Javascript: Pathfinding In A (50000*50000 Grid) 2d Array?

The problem So, say one imagines a 2-d array of integer values which represents a gridded-map, like… Read more Javascript: Pathfinding In A (50000*50000 Grid) 2d Array?

Javascript Check If Dictionary

I have a simple program like: var a = {'a': 1, 'b': 2} console.log(a) console.log(a… Read more Javascript Check If Dictionary

What Is A Better Way And How To Achieve Sending Object From One Nested Component To Another

I'm working on simple application about products, basically when user choose a product it shou… Read more What Is A Better Way And How To Achieve Sending Object From One Nested Component To Another

Why The Javascript Result Always Return First Value?

here is my problem. I'm currently trying to customize joomla article content with some module. … Read more Why The Javascript Result Always Return First Value?

How To Make A Mongodb Query Sort On Strings With -number Postfix?

I have a query: ownUnnamedPages = Entries.find( { author : this.userId, title : {$regex: /^unnamed-… Read more How To Make A Mongodb Query Sort On Strings With -number Postfix?

Unable To Show Alert Via Javascript In Wp7 Web Browser Control

I am trying to show alert box using javascript in a webpage using web browser control in WP7. The a… Read more Unable To Show Alert Via Javascript In Wp7 Web Browser Control

Module Load Progress Events In Nacl With Manifest_version = 2 And No Inline Javascript

I upgraded my manifest_version to '2' as per this document, and then was suprised to see ch… Read more Module Load Progress Events In Nacl With Manifest_version = 2 And No Inline Javascript

D3/js Mapping A Json Data Callback

I have seen many examples with d3.csv() callback mappings such as: var data =… Read more D3/js Mapping A Json Data Callback

Making A Mesh Plane In Webgl With Triangles

I'm trying to create a triangulated plane in WebGL and I have the following code. However, when… Read more Making A Mesh Plane In Webgl With Triangles

Understanding Better Javascript Oop Architecture

As i read through some examples of Angularjs' UI add-on, i've stumbled over some code that … Read more Understanding Better Javascript Oop Architecture

Datatables Updating Only Rows Without Reloading Table

BACKGROUND: I have a small jquery app that contains widgets. There are 2 types of widgets in this … Read more Datatables Updating Only Rows Without Reloading Table

Map Based On Leaflet And Angularjs Not Loaded Correctly

My map based on Leaflet and AngularJS is not loading correctly. I do not know what's going on b… Read more Map Based On Leaflet And Angularjs Not Loaded Correctly

Displaying Cookies On A Website Using Javascript

So I have an assignment I've been working on for 6 hours. I'm supposed to use JavaScript to… Read more Displaying Cookies On A Website Using Javascript